Self-Defense v Manslaughter: What Is the Difference?

Murder and manslaughter charges are often accompanied by claims of self-defense. Self-defense is legal in most places in the world and can alter a criminal case significantly. In some cases, the successful proof of self-defense can ensure the accused is not criminally responsible for a murder.


Because manslaughter and self-defense in some cases end in murder, what is its legal definition? Well, murder is an unlawful killing of another human being. Murder is often proven if there was premeditation and intention. A person can also be charged with murder if they gave consideration to the killing and their actions resulted in death even if at the time of the crime there was no intention or ill will. Lastly, murder charges can be levied if the perpetrator intended to cause bodily harm, and their actions resulted in death.


In most jurisdictions, manslaughter is a lesser crime than murder. The difference between manslaughter and murder is that there is no intention or thoughts of killing in manslaughter. Because of this, the punishment for manslaughter is much more lenient than that of murder.

However, charges of manslaughter can be elevated to murder or murder considered manslaughter. In these cases, there are extenuating circumstances that lead to death.

Manslaughter is often classified as either voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary manslaughter is often considered if a person is killed impulsively. Involuntary manslaughter, on the other hand, occurs due to the negligence or recklessness of another. A common example is involuntary manslaughter caused by a drunk driver.

Self Defense

If someone is killed in self-defense, this is not considered a crime. Most legal systems have provisions that allow someone to protect themselves if they are attacked. To claim self-defense successfully, the defendant has to prove that they believed they were in imminent danger. They also have to prove that the force they used was necessary to protect themselves.

Because these arguments are hard to make, you should call a lawyer before you start making them. If you talk to Lauren Campoli Criminal Defense lawyer, they will help you put your explanation in a way that helps you avoid manslaughter or murder charges if indeed your actions stemmed from the fear of harm.

The lawyer will also explain to you if self-defense applies in your case because some states expect you to try to get away before you harm someone. In some states, you are allowed to stand your ground if you are in your own home. Other factors may strengthen or weaken your case including who the instigator was, who escalated the issue, or if any of the people involved were involved in criminal activity at the time of the death.

Accidental Killing

The law also makes provisions for accidental killings. This is often applied if the actions of the defendant did not rise to a criminal level. In these cases, the person who committed the action will be negligent but not criminally negligent or responsible. A civil case can, however, still be brought to a court because the person can be sued for the wrongful death of another.

It can be difficult to know what charges will be brought forward when someone dies. Depending on the circumstances, you can be charged with murder, manslaughter, or be let go if it is proven you were just defending yourself.